Saturday, March 12, 2011

Back in the Lower 48

Ya, so we have already estabilished my horribleness in blogging...

Leaving Alaska was almost as hard as leaving home for college, on one hand, I loved who I got to the other I missed a lot. Family, Burger King, friends, Burger King, driving over 50 miles and hour, Burger King....well, you get the picture. In the end it was time and looking back now (left in August) It was good.

From August to December I flew back and forth every other weekend to do lessons and work with the amazing community band members there. (They went into musical production in January and I also lost the place I was doing lessons.) It was definitely bittersweet, but it was time I needed to work out where I needed to be over where I wanted to be.

Seattle is....amazing, so much to do, so much to see, so many people....everywhere....and...Burger King!!! (Four blocks from my that is not why I chose to live there.) Working two jobs is and interesting thing, especially since i have even more personal time which I have no idea what to do with....ya, I know....sentence one of this paragraph....but it is weird. I must admit, it still feels like it is summer break.

Living close to Sarah is...epic, that is the only word that really fits. She is 13 months younger than me, she is logic where I am emotion, she was Mama's helper and I was Daddy's ya, we didn't see eye to eye a lot. But getting to know her as an adult is magnaimous, she is still logic where I am emotion but I am not so emotional....(and sometimes she is not so logical...shhh.) We still don't get along all the time, but we handle better....I think some people call it "maturity"...., ya, that's it - maturity. I was 17 when I left home for college and we have never really lived in the same area's nice...

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