Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Holiday Season!

Yesterday I stayed over with the Cavan's and it was great! Albert was checking on Santa's location about every 30 seconds. Once he was in Oregon, Albert was off like a shot and in bed. (Normally, he fights it and finds every excuse to stay was so cute!) He was so excited...this morning, he ran in and was wide-eyed with awe. Both Thomas and Albert were great to watch opening their gifts!

We actually had Christmas Dinner on Christmas Eve and it was both very yummy and very nice. Sylvia's Mom is visiting, a surprise for the boys, and she made rolls that reminded me of Sarah's. For a minute I was home at Mom's and 14 again ;)

This week, I got to to play Chrsitams Carols in a small winds group. It was a lot of fun. We played twice at the grocery store and then did for Christmas Eve. A couple of the high school students joined us. We even got gold coins (chocolate) from Father Christmas.

I hope you all have a fabulous Holiday Season!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Schools Out!!! (Almost...hehehe)

I am so excited I can't sleep.....oh, we are going to have a planning meeting for choir for fundraisers. We are going to make cheeseboats!!! I am so excited.

Today we caroled through the halls for choir....I had to laugh. It is a 15 min "normal person" walk. We did it in 7. It was great. Tomorrow is the t'ninkling performance and it will be amazing to see all 130 kids together. (Today the teachers learned our dance. It was quite and interesting experience even the admin participated....Needless to say, the music teachers caught on really quick. Eventually everyone had enough of a grasp on it to be prepared for tomorrow.)

Weather report....warm and rainy. (In the 40's hehehehe)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Eternal Humor

So, last week I was called in to talk to one of the members of the Bishopric. They started into a full blown interview (so I got nervous) then he extended the calling of second counselor in the Primary Presidency. (I laughed) He waited. I accepted and then got really excited. He let me know the change would happen in January. Today I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I did make it in for ward choir practice (Christmas performance is next week and we have only met twice.) As I greeted members of the choir they congratulated me....the change had been made today.

I am honestly excited about it. We have a lot of great kids in this area and I am glad to be working with them. The President and I are a lot a like, fortunately the first counselor is also a strong one that can distill and direct our excitements and strong wills in the correct manner. As always, there us a lot of work and it scares me to think of that level of responsibility to help teach and train those who were more valient than I. It is all vary exciting...Anne get ready for a lt of phone calls (I am over music)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Facebook is the place to stay connected!!

So I checked out facebook for the first time today....ya I know... Oh my gosh! Everyone is on there. The school actually encourages the teachers to have a facebook account and doesn't block it on the school server. (My space, not so lucky.) It was really cool to see some people from a lifetime ago. It was way fun to see who was on and where they are.

So, the snow is gone. It has been in the fourties for the last few days. We've had cloud cover, but no rain so there were a couple of days that I didn't bother with a coat or even a jacket...(I can hear Mom gasping now....yep, there was my entire name escaping her lips....wonder when I'll get a phone call.) The wind has been pretty uptempo which has cut off a lot of phone calls....ya, that's the story I'm going with...the wind. ;) Today brought a bit of sleet and tonight it is clearer so there will be lovely ice much fun!!! Hopefully we will be able to see the Aurora Borealis (northern lights) this season.
K, enough with the weather. Had our Holiday Concert last Tuesday and It went really well... My band and choir both went well and our actor was fabulous. We had a song called The Chritmas Present and we had one of the 6th grade choir kids unwrap gifts with the vocal of the gifts was my empty Wii box. When he unwrapped it you could hear the kids in the audience ohh and ahh, it was great. Both groups are growing and I am excited for their progress.

The last day of school for the calendar year includes dancing performances for the kids that they learned during pe. the 7th and 8th grade students are doing line dancing and the pe teacher in the 6th grade was informed he had to come up with something different. So, we're tininkling. It is fabulous!! (6th grade pe only meets every other day when the 7th and 9th have it every day.) We decided to combine forces (poor kids) so the kids go during their general music slot from Wednesday on. I am so excited about this. (We are using a Bob Marley Christmas song.)

Talked to Clint this week a couple of times...he finally got a phone for his birthday. (An envy.) Today the phone called me all on it's phone. Reece really sounds like he is growing up, I can't wait to get pictures...hint, hint. I am sad to miss Clint's first time passing the sacrament, I can't believe how much both Reece and Clint are growing up.