Sunday, November 1, 2009

I blog as good as I journal

This weekend was a Haunted House sponsored by the music students. It was a lot of fun! (Stressfull, yes, until it started....well, until the screaming started.) We also had a carnival area for the younger ones where they could earn as many prizes as they wanted.....ironically very few chose candy. (My students will love me for a bit...) It was interesting to watch the High School students have as much fun as the young ones.

This year has really been a crazy whirlwind but good. It has capitulated in me coming down with the flu worries...regular stuff. Way fun. My students are amazing and it is so humbling to be entrusted in their education. I am doing more choirs this year than bands and it is amazing to watch those kids trust me, do the crazy things I ask them to and grow together. (Especially the isn't quite seen in a positive light and it is very humbling as they make the choice to be involved in choir.)

Our first high school concert is on Tuesday, Dec 15th; the middle school concert is Wednesday, Dec 16th. I am also working with the Orchestra for the musical of Christmas Carol. Those performances are the first two weeks of December. Christmas Break starts Dec 18th and my Mom arrives on the 22nd!!! (I am so excited) The 18th of December is our first annual community Christmas sing. (Similar to the one in Globe.) Wow....I just got really tired :)

It has been a wet fall, especially compared to last year. I have missed the sunlight but the ocean is very pretty when the wind kicks up and the foam appears. There is a different smell fromt he ocean when it is stormy than when it is calm. Yesterday as I was doing my errands I saw an Eagle, and I am glad to know there will be lots of them soon.

Oh, Wal-Mart is rennovating...It reminds me more of Targets down below now. Unfortunately, they have opted to get rid of a lot of stuff we have come to depend on and it is interesting as we try and find a different place to find stuff. Or a different way to get it done. It will be interesting to see how it finally ends up. Gas is almost a dollar higher than it was last year. Safeway just redid the color of their sales and ironically everything seems to have jumped up too. (Someone said it was the effects of the economy, we can afford it so we get to pay it....) hmmmmmm

My sister has started a blog as a discussion forum. Each week she has a different topic. (Current one is on immigration.) The goal of the blog is to come up with potential solutions that we can pass on to those who can implement them. Check it out.

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